
Thursday, May 21, 2009

More Austria on a shoe string

After Mass we went to MacDonald's, for a cheap cup of coffee then it was off the Maria Theresa's(Maria Antoinette's mother) castle/palace. It was yellow with green shutters and extremely large, resembling the palace in the three musketeers. It is set on enormous grounds which include a zoo, fake ancient ruins, monuments, fountains and parks. They wouldn't accept our student card - cheek to deprive us poor students! So we didn't go it, as it cost $5, but instead we walked around the grounds.

About 2 days ago winter suddenly ended. There is no more snow on the ground and a marked increase in the amount of tourists. It will be a totally different experience travelling in the summer. There was still ice on the ponds though, with cold ducks desperately trying to break through to the water. So I took a shot - not a shot shot - of the ducks!

After a really tranquil walk through the woods we descended home, and spent about an hour getting lost on the trams. Then Paz went back to the hostel and I went on to the Opera. I have about $250 left and her money is virtually gone so she missed the opera to save money.
When ever officials are nasty to me I get the impulse to say F off Nazi, but I restrain myself. There is so much unstated, or under stated history in this region. The difference between Austria and Germany, is that Germany has a big chunk of history that it prefers not to speak of, so Austria seems more old-worldy.

The opera in these Germanic countries though , is outstanding!
Photo by Imagelink

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