Once down the hill we caught a bus to a ski resort in the country side - it is dubbed the undiscovered St. Moritz. I think it was called Malbun. It is so high up in the mountains my ears were popping. All the way up there are little, and I mean two houses and a church, villages and wooden cottages on the side of a green mountain. As winter is on it's way out the skiers have to go pretty far up to get to snow.
Once there we found three of four hotels and restaurants with patios, for having coffee while overlooking the ski runs and ski lifts. It is very colourful as ski suits are now brilliant colours including neon. Children of about 4 years old were zooming down the slopes.
We decided to treat ourselves to a long glass of tea on one of these patios. It really was a treat at 2.40 Swiss Francs($3). We sat, leisurely nursing our tea by removing the tea bag and adding milk. I was wearing my sunglasses, red jacket, yellow scarf and blue sweater, and felt quite the jet setter. I commented to Paz that it really wasn't the best cup of tea I'd ever had. In fact, I said, it tasted metallic. Paz added her milk which immediately curdled, so a waitress grudgingly replaced it. I then decided to add some sugar to cover the metal taste. As I stirred my tea, with shock I heard and saw metal pieces in the bottom of the cup! I imagined razor blades and nails, so I fished them out to discover there was 3.30 Swiss Francs in my tea!!! You can imagine my surprise and delight. I pocketed all except the 0.30SF and called the waitress who replaced the tea, not really understanding what I was explaining to her. We were in hysterical laughter by now as Paz's second cup of tea also curdled and was replaced. Paz was told that she should "Stir the milk in slowly". After that with two normal cups of tea we sat and enjoyed ourselves watching the skiers. I don't even think the money was there when the tea arrived, I have no idea how it got there. After all that in very bad taste they didn't give us our tea for free which they should have. We left trying to explain to them that we had found 0.30 SF in the tea, but they had no idea what we were talking about, and shooed us away, which was fine with us.
Photo by Andreasmarx
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