
Monday, June 1, 2009

Monk's beer and Innsbruck to collect the post

That evening we sat in the hostel bar with a bunch of Australians. Two of them were twins and looked exactly like Saddam Hussein - moustache and all! We all walked to across the river in the evening to a beer hall run by monks in a monastery. Below the bridge we saw 4 black swans, it was so quiet and beautiful. We had a beer each and got on well with everyone, the Aussies are really nice people.
The next day we went to Innsbruck just to collect our post. I had 5 letters! Paz didn't get any which really upset her, but they could be held up in Athens as the post is having to follow us around. We just got on the train and returned to Salzburg, bought some food and returned to the hostel. We bought a big box of cornflakes for the price we had payed for a bowl at the hostel, and ate our full.

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