We had 3 days off in the last week of March and we decided to test drive hitchhiking and camping. So at 04:30 ( which turned out to be 03:30 because the alarm was wrong) we tip toed out with just a sleeping bag and a small day pack.We had to wait for the tube station to open, and then caught a tube to a stop near the Autobahn (highway) heading in the direction of the Black Forest. We had made a little sign and within minutes we were sitting in a car with a middle-aged man going to a small town near the Black Forest. I sat in front, but after a preliminary chat I handed the conversation over to Paz.
I kept drifting in and out of a book I was reading and a deep sleep while hearing snippets of the conversation. The man with no name was writing a book about depression because he had suffered several in his life, and after expounding on his totally unoriginal open ended thesis, which would drive any depressant to suicide, Paz asked him what caused his depressions. He paused then said:"Don't ask." And she didn't. Next we heard about a night he spent with a dope smoking homosexual who flaunted himself in front of our innocent driver in a hotel room. The driver of course did not indulge. We also were treated to several references to the physical anatomy, such as "women are more pron to depression because of their periods, but men, well men are just caught off guard." We tried to cut him off unsuccessfully until we succeeded by reaching our destination and we put the road between us and the man with no name, after 3 hours together.
Photo by The Sage of Shadowdale
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