Sent Easter packages off home, and the postage was 15Marks. I decided to cut down on writing home to save money as the postage in so expensive. I got a 30 Mark tip , not from working hard but from good luck, if fact we hardly see the guests. Paz's room is 39 and I was moved into it, it is much cleaner and cosy. I continue to wage war with lice. MY airfare which I deposited in the German Bank is not gaining interest as the German system doesn't give interest!! Got payed 833 Marks (about $830) and next month we should get 175 more as this month we had to pay a security deposit. Got another spoon of film developed. We really try to live on nothing and save every penny for travel. Unfortunately we couldn't get any other work in the hotel because of our German.
On our day off I sat munching crackers and Paz dyed her hair. At least hitch hiking doesn't cost petrol, but Paz says that it's not fun when it is so hard to survive here, we might as well not be her, as the $10 a day that we have to live on when we are on the road does not go very far.
Made plans to meet up with an Israeli boyfriend in Paris on 20Th May! I was very excited and hoping to be spoilt rotten! So there will be no point getting letters in Munich after the 25th April. After that our letters will collect in Paris up until 14Th May and then it's down to Pampolona for July 1st. All these moves will be very quick so it is hardly worth having the post chase us around Europe, that is why we are going to make our next "postal address" Poste Restante Paris.
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