
Monday, November 22, 2010

Zurich, Switzerland - what the people think

A river leading to Zuricsee passes through the city which is built of thick old stone. We left our backpacks at the museum and managed to go for a walk around the back streets of the old part of the city - like all of Switzerland is full of little stores. The stores sell mainly exclusive goods - cakes, clothes. The smaller alleys are the best is any European city. Zurich has a tram system like other European cities. We collected our packs and went for a walk up the main street - Banhof - we were still hearing German but now in a different accent. In other areas of Switzerland they speak French, Italian and 2 of the cantons speak Romanch ( a relative of Latin). The 23 cantons united in 1291, although they are neutral the people are keen to join the EEC for the advantages it will provide them, although if they joined they could no longer be neutral. One of our drivers said that he felt the neutrality showed a lack of responcibility and when I said I felt it was ideal he said it was like trading with Iraq, and then when trouble starts, standing back and saying it is not their problem. I wasn't aware of Switzerland's history fighting as mercenaries in other peoples armies. Anyway I keep getting sidetracked! Traveling is such an education!

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