
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Check Point Charlie - Berlin

After a long tube ride home and a long walk we got to the outrageously priced camping grounds in the dark and set up camp on sand and rain and lay low through the frozen hours. The next day was a bit of a balls up. We felt pressured for time as we had to be in Leipzig that night, plus the May 1st threat plus there was very rainy weather (no umbrella, and only summer coats). First we returned to West Banhof Station and put our packs in lockers. The same piles of people still lay about. Then we got on a tube for Check Point Charlie. It was very disappointing and not even worth taking a photo of, just a boon gate. There is a very good museum all about the Point, the wall and peace itself. There are sections in the museum about the great escape from East to West Berlin and of great pacifist victories i.e. Gandhi, Poland, Czech Republic. However the museum was too extensive with too much reading material and a lot of French students crowding the place so I didn't even see it all. Then we set off to walk down the path towards the wall and the Brandenburg Gate. The weather was exactly the atmosphere I imagined for Communist countries - grey, misty and wet.

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