
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hitching back to Munich

Next the big hitch. We got as far as Bern then had to wait 4 hours for our next lift!! This buggered us up as at 10pm that night we were only in Stuttgart on the side of the freeway in the middle of nowhere. We very cautiously descended the grass bank on the side of the road and camped behind a tree - our first experience of camping freelance without a camping ground. The tent was on a sloping hill and we spent the night slipping down in our sleeping bags and listening to every noise from outside. We slept with our penknives in our hands. At the crack of dawn the next day we continued home in the rain. We got a lift with an orchestra conductor who practised his art all the way to Munich - 1, 2, 3, 4! We got food and went to sleep for the rest of the day aahh sweet luxury, linen, warmth and grub!

I had over spent but consoled myself that Switzerland is the most expensive country in Europe and 130German Marks for a 5 day holiday in Switzerland ain't bad mate.

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